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Golden Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chicks (LF)

Golden Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chicks (LF)

In the 1500s, Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickens, native to Switzerland, materialized from the monasteries of Appenzell with a forward-thrusting crest of feathers on their heads, hence their name. The species falls within the category of large fowl but are usually small to medium-sized chickens.

These chickens are easily one of our favorites on the farm because they're so fun to look at with their little mohawks! Spitzhaubens are enthusiastic foragers, and for their size, they lay rather large white eggs in significant amounts. Fertility is high for this species, and they're cold-hardy. Those characteristics are worthwhile considerations when looking for your next breed.  
While Appenzeller Spitzhaubens are smaller chickens that look dainty, they're far from it. Cocks reach a full-grown weight of roughly 5.5 lbs, and Hens are a tad smaller, weighing in at approximately 4 lbs at maturity; a single hen can produce 3-5 eggs in one week, which is more than 250 eggs per year! 
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens come in a few different colors, but we prefer the Gold and black-spotted sort.


We sell our Large Fowl Golden Appenzeller Spitzhaubens Chicks as straight-run only and in a minimum of 3 birds per order.
*No guarantees on gender ratios.

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